“By far, my favorite memories of Chrysalis are the times when I’ve been doing a practice interview with someone and the bell rings. We all go into the lobby and hear the person tell their story. It’s incredibly emotional… It is what I go home and talk to my family and friends about for days. It makes me feel really lucky.”

When a Chrysalis client lands a job, they ring the Success Bell. Together, staff, volunteers, and clients gather in the lobbies of our centers to rejoice in the life-changing opportunity that a job brings, while we also reflect on the barriers that this individual has overcome. Volunteers like Josh who help clients prepare for an interview with a potential employer are playing a key role in each client’s journey.

For over five years, Josh has conducted practice interviews with Chrysalis clients who are beginning their job search. He shared that, for the 57 percent of Chrysalis clients with a history in the criminal justice system, “without a doubt, the most important thing we do is provide guidance on how to discuss their background with a potential employer so that the employer will look past their past. The clients that have a background are afraid of discussing it because they assume it will ruin any chance of a job. And if they don’t talk about it in the right way, it could. But, with the right attitude and approach, it doesn’t have to. Giving them the language and confidence to discuss this is key to their success.

In addition to the hands-on work Josh does as a volunteer, he also serves as a Co-Chair for the annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball. This year’s event, held on June 2, raised a record-breaking $1.8 million to support our mission of changing lives through jobs – thanks, in no small part, to Josh’s work on the event.

Whether he is working to ensure that our annual fundraising event is a success or helping a client discover their voice and courage for an interview, Josh is an invaluable champion for Chrysalis. “Having the ability to come here and witness the work that happens on the ground, I know that money is not being wasted and a lot of good is being done. It’s a really worthy cause for anyone to support.”

Thank you, Josh, for supporting Chrysalis in so many ways!
