While temporarily suspending in-person services in mid-March in response to the COVID-19 safer-at-home orders, Chrysalis continued to offer our employment program virtually and innovated the way we operated our social enterprise to ensure safe and ongoing transitional employment opportunities for clients. Staff worked closely with clients to navigate many barriers that had become augmented in the face of the pandemic, including the affordability and reliability of transportation during the job search and to and from work.

Beginning in April, Lyft responded to the needs of our clients and granted Chrysalis access to ride credits for individuals to get to and from interviews and work shifts. The partnership is part of LyftUp, Lyft’s comprehensive effort to expand transportation access to those who need it most. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, Lyft has activated more than 500 LyftUp partners – including public health entities, local governments, nonprofits and community organizations – to provide free ride credits and free delivery of essential goods for vulnerable communities and critical workers.

“We want to increase access to transportation for those who need it, particularly to meet their essential needs during this time. By activating LyftUp, we’re able to partner with Chrysalis to fulfill mobility needs for individuals facing barriers to the workforce who are striving to prepare for, find, and retain employment,” said Lisa Boyd, Lyft’s Director of Social Impact.

This resource was available for any Chrysalis client facing a transportation need. Many of the individuals who benefited from this resource were working transitional jobs, including hundreds who began working at Project Roomkey sites throughout Los Angeles.

In April, Chrysalis entered into a temporary Staffing agreement with the City of Los Angeles to help staff Project Roomkey sites throughout the city. The goal of the program is to move individuals experiencing homelessness who are at risk of contracting COVID-19 off of the streets and into local hotels and motels. Chrysalis clients work transitional jobs at 15 different Project Roomkey hotels across Los Angeles County, providing a range of supportive services to residents. Because shifts are scheduled at all times of the day and night, and some of the locations are not easily accessible, the timing of a shift may not line up with mass transit schedules, reduced due to the pandemic. Our Lyft grant has been an essential tool to getting the 120 clients who have worked shifts in Project Roomkey safely to work and back home again.

Over the past four months, these grants provided 716 rides to Chrysalis clients, helping to change their lives through access to a job. This grant was truly transformative, and we look forward to our continued partnership with Lyft.

About Lyft

Lyft was founded in 2012 by Logan Green and John Zimmer to improve people’s lives with the world’s best transportation and is available to 95 percent of the United States population as well as select cities in Canada. Lyft is committed to effecting positive change for our cities and making cities more livable for everyone through initiatives that bridge transportation gaps, and by promoting transportation equity through shared rides, bikeshare systems, electric scooters, and public transit partnerships.

To make sure riders and drivers know the best ways to protect themselves and those around them, Lyft is providing continuous updates. To learn more about how else Lyft is supporting its community during this time, visit its blog.