Much of Ernie’s life was a journey with no map. He had spent years forging a path for himself with his head down, no planned destination. Sitting down at Chrysalis, Ernie lifted his head for what felt to him like the first time in over 50 years. His Employment Specialist asked, “What do you want to do for work?” Perhaps he thought he never had an option, or maybe it was the first time that someone showed him that he had a choice – either way, he was empowered to plan for what he wanted in his future.

Seven years sober and recently released from prison, Ernie was tired of going in circles. He was staying at Phoenix House when someone told him about Chrysalis. Although he was excited to start our job preparation classes, he also felt as though his years of being a freelance contractor had already given him all the skills he needed. “I thought I knew everything. I had a real problem asking for help,” Ernie shared.

Part of his struggle was that he found it tough to receive feedback and instructions from someone else, especially if they were younger. His Employment Specialist was a decade or more his junior, but her professional demeanor helped him decide it couldn’t hurt to let someone else take the wheel for a while. “Something about this place made me want to listen,” he reflected. After that, things began to change.

Together, Ernie and his Employment Specialist started outlining a plan for the year ahead. They drew a mountain and, at the top, Ernie put his end objective: to become a substance abuse counselor. Then, they set benchmark goals along the way.

With unwavering resolve, Ernie dove into our program, taking advantage of every resource he could. He got approved for a scholarship to renew his driver’s license, built his confidence through practice interviews, and adjusted to the unfamiliar territory of applying for jobs online with help from a volunteer. He also worked through the emotional challenges of reentering the workforce with our on-site counselor. “I kept coming here because there’s something special about this place.”

Ernie was checking goals off his list when he landed a job as a dishwasher. Shortly after accepting the position, he was promoted to salad prep. When a workplace injury threatened to derail his momentum and left him unable to work, Ernie refused to let up. “That’s what I learned at Chrysalis,” he shared. “My Employment Specialist inspired me to carry out our plan.”

With a steady gaze on the goal at the top of his blueprint mountain, Ernie enrolled in school, and soon after he was presented with a certification in substance abuse counseling. Eventually, he was back on his feet serving first as a volunteer at Phoenix House and later as an intern. After a year, he was offered a permanent position at the drug and alcohol treatment center!

Being given a choice changed everything for Ernie. His Employment Specialist empowered him from day one to set a destination for himself. Once he began the journey, Chrysalis’ safety net of services followed. “I couldn’t have done it without this amazing group of professionals,” he shared at his bell ringing.

Ernie is still climbing. When we asked him what is at the top of his mountain now, he shared that he is working on earning his associates degree, rekindling relationships with family and friends, and continuing to help others who have lost their sense of direction through his work. His grin is contagious as he says, “Now, it’s my turn to help.”