As John makes his rounds in Downtown Los Angeles, he greets individuals —some all too familiar faces— all struggling with homelessness. Maybe today will be the day they are ready to come to him for help. After experiencing homelessness, incarceration, and a 24-year off-and-on battle with addiction, John knows what a challenge it is to admit when it’s time to get help. Now 7 years sober, he works to connect individuals to the resources they need to obtain stable housing and a chance at living a life off of the streets.

In 2011, John came to Chrysalis more than one year sober and eager to get back to work. He had certification in telecommunications, but his job search was yielding limited prospects. Not only did he have a criminal background, he felt as though employers were writing him off for his age and lack of high school diploma. During this time he recalls, “Chrysalis was a place that didn’t look at my past.” This was the place that John needed to cheer him forward despite the barriers he was facing.

John’s work ethic and drive were recognized by his Employment Specialist, and he was referred to Chrysalis’ transitional jobs program. After supervising a bulk storage facility for 2 years and working at The Bin for a year, John was referred to a Street Outreach team with the Downtown Center Business Improvement District (DCBID). As a member of this special DCBID team, John is serving people whose shoes he once walked in. Sometimes, the job is as simple as helping someone obtain photo identification or their social security information. Other times, people on the streets come to him ready to join a recovery program. Whatever their need, John’s unique perspective and extensive knowledge of the programs available make him the go-to person for so many still struggling with homelessness.

Humbly aware of his prior circumstances, John admits, “Working Downtown is a constant reminder that I could be back there again. I’ve been out there myself, so I know what our clients are going through. For a person like me to come from that to also help people get off the streets—that’s a big deal for me.”

Happily married for 5 years, John is currently working toward becoming a case manager so that he can continue to positively impact the lives of those facing barriers to self-sufficiency. In so many ways, John is the essence of Chrysalis’ mission. He embodies what it means to change lives.