A list of celebrities had jobs on their minds at the 16th Butterfly Ball, the June 3 benefit for Chrysalis, which helps homeless and low-income individuals to attain self-sufficiency through finding and keeping jobs.

“Don’t kill me off in Season 4,” joked the night’s emcee, Jussie Smollett of Fox’s “Empire,” after giving an onstage shout-out to audience member Gary Newman — the co-chairman and co-chief executive of Fox Television Group.

By way of introducing honoree Peter Cramer, Halle Berry said the Universal Pictures president of production “has made so many great movies with so many great people — except one person.” She then pointed to herself and in her own amusing way cited her hiring advantages. “I have my own trailer,” she said. “I do my own hair and makeup … I do my own stunts … I don’t eat much at lunch.”

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