The Chrysalis’ Young Professionals Advisory Council (YPAC) and friends came together on Saturday, July 22 for a Venice Community clean-up event!

During this volunteer event, attendees worked alongside Chrysalis clients employed through Chrysalis Works to remove stickers and graffiti, pick up litter, and remove weeds along different areas of Venice. The day began with coffee, donuts, and background on YPAC and Chrysalis Works. Afterward, volunteers enjoyed ice cream and learned more about ways to get involved with Chrysalis.

Learn More About YPAC


Thank you to our generous sponsors for providing ice cream, donuts, and coffee to our volunteers!

Holey Grail Donuts

A little more about Chrysalis Works…Chrysalis Works is a division of the organization’s Employment Social Enterprise. Through Chrysalis Works, Chrysalis is able to offer transitional employment for clients who face more significant barriers to getting a job. This program helps clients get working more quickly, earning a paycheck, building confidence, and developing skills that enable them to secure and retain long-term employment. For our Venice community clean up, we will be partnering with Chrysalis Works clients who work on the Venice Beach Business Improvement District (“Venice BID”) clean team.